Thursday, 28 January 2010

1 kg. 3G Please...

What I learn from Apple's 3G is that a kilogram of 3G is $2600. Look at the chart please;
$130 for 50 gr 3G. Rest is obvious; 2600$ is for a kilogram of 3G. Enjoy the new Gadget...

Also there is this funny joke;

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance

When I had a Nokia N-Gage back in, well let's just say back then, Gameloft was impressive. They did almost always "above the average quality" games. But now things change I see, for inatance; I have an iPhone at the moment and every single gameloft branded game is not even average. They are way below average. I wonder what changed? Because I see many quiet awesome iPhone games that it is clear iPhone can be considered even a handheld gaming console. And knowing that Gameloft was a legend producer in my 'Series 60' years, one wonders.

However, again, one cannot claim that N.O.V.A. is a poor imitation of Halo. It is as good as any game can get on an iPhone. I accept it is a clone, but it is a well made well designed clone. Buy it, you will not be disappointed, although I will not say it may be a turn point for Gameloft or anything. They need more such games to earn the trust of, at least mine, of the wireless gamer community.